Lawrence Romorini recently collaborated with Sandy Spring Bank, headquartered in Olney, Maryland since 1868, to commemorate their sesquicentennial with One Of A Kind 3-dimensional art. This retrospective of SSB’s first 150 years is a showcase of memorabilia that reflects their Quaker roots, leaders, growth, services, accomplishments and commitment to their customers. In true democratic spirit, the new savings institution opened its doors to every member of the community, rich and poor, black and white, male and female alike.
The art, which measures 57”x 44” x 4.5”, has a dynamic shape that suggest growth, with the story flowing upward from a beginning vignette of a 3D horse and buggy, framed photo of founder Caleb Stabler and a 3D meeting house.
The interior structure graduates from mahogany to birdseye maple to satin silver, moving from traditional to modern in reflecting the contemporary story. The Sandy Spring logo also evolves as the story moves upward, culminating in the current Sandy Spring Bank logo in 3D Plexiglas.
Engraved in metal on the sides of the art, are a timeline, list of Presidents, and dedication message.
The art was displayed first at a corporate celebration picnic, then at a holiday gala, as attendees discovered over 140 images and 3D items to represent Sandy Spring Bank’s culture, innovation and services to the local community. The collage will be installed in their headquarters as a lasting communication piece and tribute to leaders, customers and employees.