©2020 One Of A Kind, Inc. Art Studio. Created by Lawrence M. Romorini. Size of the art: 59″ x 59″ x 4″
Texas REALTORS®, an organization dedicated to advocacy for realtors and private property rights in Texas, highlighted their 100th anniversary at their February Winter Meeting in Austin by unveiling One Of A Kind 3-dimensional commemorative art created by Lawrence Romorini. The art, which measures 59” x 59” x 4”, reflects the profession’s complexity and progression since the founding in 1920.
The structure for Texas REALTORS’® artwork is in the shape of Texas, accented in gold-leaf, with the logo prominently featured. A Lone Star Flag design behind honors 100 years of Presidents and the enduring Texas REALTORS® Code of Ethics. Objects featured in the art include a replica President’s Trophy, “The State of Texas” collector’s pen, bluebonnet flowers, armadillo, cotton plant, various Texas REALTORS® pins, and much more.
This retrospective features the evolution of Texas REALTORS’® logos, along with the importance of their longtime publication Texas REALTORS® magazine to the membership. A silver ribbon with “1920 Achieving Success in Texas Real Estate 2020” winds through the history.
Texas REALTORS’® story flows counter clockwise, with photos, publications, and 3D items. An early photograph commemorates the founding of Texas REALTORS®, with a replica article from the National Real Estate Journal documenting the first Texas REALTORS® Convention.
The advent of the telegraph, telephone, mobile phone, and the pager are emphasized for their value and importance to members for communication. A 1940’s car is also featured to highlight the role of the automobile industry in the development of roads and infrastructure in Texas. The art will be installed in Texas REALTORS® Austin headquarters as a lasting legacy of the first 100 years.
As part of their Centennial website, Texas REALTORS® uploaded the interactive website feature for their 100th anniversary art. You can experience the Texas Realtors story by clicking your mouse over any of the artifacts in the image. The item will enlarge and you will learn about the importance of each person or item to the growth and influence of Texas Realtors over our first century–and projecting well into the second! Click here to check it out: https://www.texasrealestate.com/tsra-interactive/
Among other One Of A Kind Texas commissions are Southwest Airlines, Quanta Services and Crosstex Energy:
Southwest Airlines 25th anniversary art
Southwest Airlines honored Founder Herb Kelleher with 3-dimensional commemorative art to celebrate their 25th anniversary. The company’s growth, people and unique spirit were the inspiration for the design, which features the Southwest LUV heart, surrounded by vintage Southwest boarding passes. The retrospective was unveiled at the 25th anniversary party. Associates received limited edition posters, which were framed for founding employees and all Southwest terminals. The art is permanently displayed in their Dallas, Texas headquarters.
Quanta Services ceo retirement art
Quanta Services is a Fortune 300 corporation providing engineering, procurement and construction services for electric power infrastructure and oil and gas infrastructure industries. What an impressive story to commemorate as One Of A Kind art honored their founder on the 20th anniversary!
The structure, which measures 25” x 21” x 3.5”, features Quanta Services logo as centerpiece, with accent colors of red, black and gold. The silver slanted sides are printed with a colorful border of 90 logos of Quanta entities, reflecting their growth. Cornerstones hold photos of Quanta’s services: Electric Power, Pipeline – Oil and Gas, Telecommunications, and Specialty Services.
A 3D replica of the Lazy Q Ranch gate suggests the founder’s commitment to safety. The Lazy Q Ranch is a Quanta’s state-of-the-art training facility where employees received training in a controlled environment, focusing on safety, skill development and certifications.
NYSE medallions from their listing in 1998 and 20th anniversary bell ringing ceremony highlight Quanta Services continued excellence. A gold 3D belt buckle with the slogan “One Team. One Goal. Safety Brings You Home.” Other 3D items include a Quanta miniature hardhat, gold 3D belt buckle engraved with “One Team. One Goal. Safety Brings You Home.” and a miniature bucket truck.
The dedication plaque reads:
To John Colson
Your vision for Quanta Services and your commitment to
its customers, employees and shareholders have grown us
into the company we are today. On behalf of the Quanta
family, we thank you for your leadership and friendship.
Happy 20 years!
Crosstex Energy leadership tributes
Crosstex Energy commemorated the creation of EnLink Midstream from its merger with Devon Energy with customized One Of A Kind 3-dimensional art. This major 2014 milestone creates one of the largest, best-positioned midstream companies in the USA—a Texas-size reason to celebrate!
Presented to key management and board members, each collage reflects Crosstex Energy milestones since 1996, preserving the history, accomplishments and leadership as a lasting legacy.
3-dimensional items give the art special charm, including a miniature storage tank, Texas boot, pipes bordering the design, golf ball and a 2002 silver dollar—the year Crosstex went public.
©2014 One Of A Kind, Inc. Art Studio. Created by Lawrence M. Romorini. www.oneofakindinc.com Size of the art: 16″ x 16″ x 3.5″