Raising Awareness for Poison Prevention and Safety with Anniversary Art
One Of A Kind collaborated with the American Association of Poison Control Centers to create striking, informative 3-dimensional art in…
Read moreUnique Ideas for a 100th Anniversary
If your company is coming up on a centennial, you may be wondering how (or…
NDTA Commemorative Art Celebrates 75 Years of Moving Forward Together
National Defense Transportation Association unveiled 75th anniversary 3-dimensional commemorative art at their GovTravels 2019 Conference, celebrating the success of NDTA’s strong…
One Of A Kind Art Highlights ASRM 75th Anniversary
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine just unveiled One Of A Kind 3-dimensional commemorative art at their Annual Meeting in…
Oklahoma Hospital Association Celebrates 100 Years as the Unified Voice of Oklahoma Hospitals
Oklahoma Hospital Association recently unveiled 3-dimensional commemorative art at the Oklahoma History Center in Oklahoma City, OK, to highlight their…
American Welding Society Sparkles with “100” Commemorative Art!
American Welding Society just unveiled One Of A Kind 3-dimensional art at their Miami, Florida headquarters to celebrate their…